Website penerimaan mahasiswa baru UGM
Criteria for prospective students / enrollment :
General requirements
- Graduated with a Bachelor’s degree from the discipline of agricultural sciences and other relevant fields of science, such as Forestry, Agricultural Technology, Agriculture, Plantation, Animal Husbandry, Biology, Engineering, especially the field of water resources engineering from a university recognized by the government (cq. Diknas) by including a photocopy of diploma and score transcript
- Adequate English language skills as stated by TOEFL score or similar.
- Academic Ability Test (TPA) score or similar.
- Letter of permission from the supervisor of the prospective scholar, for candidates who are already working.
Criteria for prospective students
- A bachelor’s degree from a discipline relevant to the field of agricultural engineering, as indicated in the general requirements above.
- Have adequate academic ability, as indicated by a minimum grade point average of 2.75
- Have the academic ability and capability to complete the education process.
Evaluation and quality improvement methods and learning standards
Evaluation of input quality: Through screening of prospective students who register. Criteria and procedures follow the existing SOPs at the University and Faculty. In principle, the instruments used are TOEF scores or the like, TAP scores or the like, minimum IP S1, accreditation scores of S1 origin study programs.
Quality of the learning process: carried out by evaluating and improving the quality of the provision of teaching materials and their completeness (syllabi, RPKPS), lectures (attendance of lecturers and students, exam questions) and thesis monitoring and evaluation at the end of the year. Thesis quality monitoring is coordinated by KaProdi and supervisors are required to attend. The focus of evaluation is emphasized on the realization of the substance of competence in thesis material. The domain of achieving learning quality in the lecture process lies with the lecturer in charge of the course, while the domain of achieving thesis quality lies with the supervisory team.
Output quality: carried out from the average GPA value and average length of study. Monitoring and evaluation is carried out at the end of each year along with thesis evaluation and monitoring. This is considered because the “bottle neck is in the final project process in the form of a thesis.
Graduation criteria
- Assessment method
Assessment methods for courses and thesis final assignments follow existing criteria, both from the university and the faculty. These criteria are contained in the Postgraduate Faculty Academic Handbook (2016-2017). After fulfilling the requirements for the closed thesis examination and passing the closed examination session.
- Graduation quality level
The quality level of graduation is expressed by the level of academic achievement, namely graduating with a massage (cum laude), very satisfying and satisfying.
Quality indicators and standards (when accredited and the value)
Internally, the university is conducted through AMI audits coordinated by the University’s Quality Assurance Office (KJM).
Externally, evaluation is carried out by applying for accreditation to the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education (BAN-PT) and ISO 9000 agencies. In 2014, TEP S2 Study Program has received BAN-PT accreditation with an A grade. In 2011, TEP S-2 Study Program as part of the Master Study Program of the Faculty of Agricultural Technology UGM has received accreditation and ISO 9000.
Academic guidelines
There is an Academic Document Book (2017-2018) for the implementation of postgraduate programs published by the faculty. This guidebook is always reviewed and revised every 5 years, especially when there is a curriculum revision.