Vision Mission and Objectiive


The Study Programme of Agricultural Engineering (SPAE) has a vision to be a study program which excels in the application of principles of science and technology in the field of agriculture and biosystem engineering to support industrial development of sustainable tropical agriculture.


The mission of the SPAE is to conduct undergraduate program in the application of the principles of science and technology in the field of agriculture and biosystems engineering to support the development of industrial sustainable tropical agriculture.

Program Educational Objective (PEO)

Within a few years of graduation, graduates are expected to have established themselves as practicing engineers who:

  1. Are able to apply fundamental engineering principles including mathematics, physical science, biological science, and engineering science, as well as system and management.
  2. Are able to serve the engineering needs in the areas of energy and agricultural machinery, land and water resources, food and agricultural products, as well as environment and ecosystems.
  3. Are successfully employed as a designer, manager, system analyst, science and technology developer, or entrepreneur.
  4. Are able to be engaged in professional development and life-long learning throughout their careers.
  5. Have interpersonal and collaborative skills and the capacity for productive and advancing careers in leadership roles as well as exhibit effective communications skills.

Learning Objectives (Competence)

CodeLearning Outcome
M1Able to identify, understand, and explain sustainable tropical industrial agricultural system using principles of agricultural engineering science.
M2Able to design and construct, as well as to manage natural resources, equipment, industrial processes in an environmentally friendly tropical agricultural systems using the principles of agricultural engineering science
M3Able to perform scientific communication effectively and responsive to the application of science and technology in the field of agriculture engineering.
M4Able to perform an experiment, as well as to analyze and interpret data to improve the performance of agriculture and biosystems.
M5Able to show a professional and innovative work in the field of agricultural engineering in accordance with ethical norms of public life.
M6Able to evaluate or analyze the sustainable tropical industrial agricultural system using principles of agricultural engineering science
S1Able to apply a competitive technology based on local raw materials and local wisdom in tropical industrial agriculture.

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