Curriculum of Doctor Program

Program Objectives:

The SP-DAES program was designed to produce graduates who are able to work as lecturers, researchers, consultants, bureaucrats, or entrepreneurs, who are able to:

  1. Develop new science or technology in the field of agricultural engineering and biosystems.
  2. Produce research through inter, multi, and transdisciplinary approaches, as well as produce original, new, and leading scientific works in the field of agricultural and biosystem engineering.
  3. Provide consultation and recommendations in decision making and problem solving in the field of agricultural engineering and biosystems.

Learning Outcomes: 

  1. To master the philosophy, theoretical concepts, and application of science and engineering in the field of agricultural and biosystems engineering.
  2. To be able to develop science and engineering concepts, formulate policies in solving agricultural and biosystem engineering problems, and produce creative, innovative, and valid works beneficial for mankind.
  3. To be able to deepen or expand science in agricultural and biosystem engineering through independent research that is original, novel, and prominent using inter, multi and transdisciplinary approaches.
  4. To be able to produce and disseminate international reputation scientific works by implementing academic integrity.


Compulsory Courses    
1.       TPPB217001Philosophy of Science and Study of Dissertation3.84Odd/Even
2.       TPPB217002Comprehensive Study of Agricultural Engineering3.84Odd/Even
3.       TPPB217003Special Topics1.92Odd/Even
4.       TPPB219001Dissertation (regular)87.04Odd/Even
5.       TPPB219002Dissertation (by-research)97.28Odd/Even
Elective courses    
1.       TPPB218001Mathematical Analysis3.84Odd/Even
2.       TPPB218002Communication of Research3.84Odd/Even
3.       TPPB218003Bioenergy Engineering3.84Odd/Even
4.       TPPB218004Bioproduction Machinery Engineering3.84Odd/Even
5.       TPPB218005Bioinformatics Management System3.84Odd/Even
6.       TPPB218006Biosensing Engineering and Robotics3.84Odd/Even
7.       TPPB218007Advanced Irrigation3.84Odd/Even
8.       TPPB218008Soil Dynamics3.84Odd/Even
9.       TPPB218009Advanced Hydroclimatology3.84Odd/Even
10.   TPPB218010Soil and Water Conservation Engineering for Sustainable Agriculture3.84Odd/Even
11.   TPPB218011Food Product Engineering3.84Odd/Even
12.   TPPB218012Transport Phenomena3.84Odd/Even
13.   TPPB218013Food Material Preservation Engineering3.84Odd/Even
14.   TPPB218014Environmental Bioprocess Engineering3.84Odd/Even
15.   TPPB218015Advanced Postharvest Engineering3.84Odd/Even
16.   TPPB218016Management and Policy of Agriculture Environment3.84Odd/Even
17.   TPPB218017Pollution Control and Agriculture Environment Restoration3.84Odd/Even
18.   TPPB218018Analysis and Organization of Agriculture Area3.84Odd/Even