Curriculum of Doctor Program

1. Graduate Profile

Graduates of the Doctoral Program in Agricultural Engineering are experts in agricultural engineering and biosystems, possessing the ability to:

  1. Develop new knowledge and technology in the field of agricultural engineering and biosystems.
  2. Conduct research using inter-, multi-, and transdisciplinary approaches, producing original, innovative, and cutting-edge scientific work.
  3. Provide consultation and recommendations for decision-making and problem-solving in agricultural engineering and biosystems.

Doctoral program graduates can pursue careers as lecturers, researchers, consultants, bureaucrats, managers, practitioners, or entrepreneurs. They contribute to educational and research institutions, government agencies, industries, private organizations, and communities.

2. Learning Outcomes

Upon graduation, graduates of the Doctor’s Program in Agricultural Engineering Science will have the following competencies:

  1. Mastery of the philosophy, theoretical concepts, and application of knowledge and
    engineering in the field of agricultural engineering and biosystems.
  2. Ability to develop concepts of science and engineering, formulate policies in solving
    agricultural engineering and biosystems problems, and produce creative, innovative, and
    tested works that benefit human welfare.
  3. Ability to deepen or expand knowledge in agricultural engineering and biosystems through
    independent research that is original, novel, and cutting-edge, with inter-, multi-, and
    transdisciplinary approaches.
  4. Ability to produce and disseminate internationally reputable scientific works while
    upholding academic integrity.

3. Types of Programs Offered:

In the new 2021 curriculum, the Doctor’s Program in Agricultural Engineering Science offers two types of learning programs:

  • Regular
  • By-Research

The Regular Program follows the traditional learning model that has been implemented by the Doctor’s Program in Agricultural Engineering Science. Meanwhile, the By-Research Program is a newly introduced program starting in the 2021/2022 academic year.

These two learning programs differ in terms of theoretical credit requirements, thesis workload, and publication requirements.

4. Curriculum Structures

The following are the curriculum specifications for the Regular Program and By Research Program.

ProgramTotal CreditsLecture CreditsDissertationDuration of Study
Regular Program46-5012-16 (5 Mandatory, 7-11 Elective)34 Credits6-10 semesters
By Research Program44-466-8 (5 Compulsory, 1-3 Elective)38 Credits5-10 semesters

5. Regular Program Completion Requirements

The Regular Program Completion Requirements:

  1. Completion of a minimum of 46 credit hours with a minimum GPA of 3.25 within the designated study period.
  2. No grades of C, D, and/or E.
  3. Successful completion of the dissertation defense.
  4. Fulfillment of scholarly publication requirements based on dissertation research, with the following options:
    a. One accepted article in an indexed international journal and one accepted article in an accredited national journal; or
    b. One accepted article in an indexed international journal and one accepted article in the proceedings of an international scientific conference indexed by Scopus or its equivalent.


  • Each publication must list the doctoral student as the first author, include all Promotor team members, and designate the UGM Promotor as the corresponding author.
  • Journals must be indexed in reputable international databases such as INSPEC, ESCI, EBSCO, Gale, CABI, Clarivate Analytics, DOAJ, or equivalent non-predatory institutions.
  • Accredited national journals must be classified under Sinta 1-2.
  • Accredited national journals categorized as Sinta 1-2 by the Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education (Kemristekdikti), published in an official UN language, and indexed in DOAJ with a green tick indicator, are recognized as international journals.
  1. It is recommended to present dissertation research findings at seminars organized by professional associations or other scientific forums.


Compulsory Courses    
1.       TPPB217001Philosophy of Science and Study of Dissertation3.84Odd/Even
2.       TPPB217002Comprehensive Study of Agricultural Engineering3.84Odd/Even
3.       TPPB217003Special Topics1.92Odd/Even
4.       TPPB219001Dissertation (regular)87.04Odd/Even
5.       TPPB219002Dissertation (by-research)97.28Odd/Even
Elective courses    
1.       TPPB218001Mathematical Analysis3.84Odd/Even
2.       TPPB218002Communication of Research3.84Odd/Even
3.       TPPB218003Bioenergy Engineering3.84Odd/Even
4.       TPPB218004Bioproduction Machinery Engineering3.84Odd/Even
5.       TPPB218005Bioinformatics Management System3.84Odd/Even
6.       TPPB218006Biosensing Engineering and Robotics3.84Odd/Even
7.       TPPB218007Advanced Irrigation3.84Odd/Even
8.       TPPB218008Soil Dynamics3.84Odd/Even
9.       TPPB218009Advanced Hydroclimatology3.84Odd/Even
10.   TPPB218010Soil and Water Conservation Engineering for Sustainable Agriculture3.84Odd/Even
11.   TPPB218011Food Product Engineering3.84Odd/Even
12.   TPPB218012Transport Phenomena3.84Odd/Even
13.   TPPB218013Food Material Preservation Engineering3.84Odd/Even
14.   TPPB218014Environmental Bioprocess Engineering3.84Odd/Even
15.   TPPB218015Advanced Postharvest Engineering3.84Odd/Even
16.   TPPB218016Management and Policy of Agriculture Environment3.84Odd/Even
17.   TPPB218017Pollution Control and Agriculture Environment Restoration3.84Odd/Even
18.   TPPB218018Analysis and Organization of Agriculture Area3.84Odd/Even


  • For the regular doctoral program: A minimum of 12 credits must be completed within the doctoral program, with a maximum of 4 credits allowed from other programs at UGM.
  • For the doctoral program by research: A minimum of 6 credits must be completed within the doctoral program, with a maximum of 3 credits allowed from other programs at UGM.