
Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering

Remarks By Head of Department

Prof. Dr. Ir. Lilik Sutiarso, M.Eng., IPU.​

Welcome to the Department of Agricultural & Biosystems Engineering, Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Universitas Gadjah Mada. The Department of Agricultural & Biosystem Engineering focuses on the implementation of engineering science in agriculture and biosystems to support sustainable agricultural activities.

Development in Indonesia prioritizes the development of agro-industry (Agricultural Industry). The industrial agricultural system is one of the vehicles towards an advanced and prosperous farming community. The development of this vehicle through the application of commensurate technology that requires knowledge of agricultural engineering, namely engineering science applied to the utilization and processing of biological masses in accordance with industrial principles that are competitive, global, and sustainable.

Entering the beginning of the 21st century, the branch of Agricultural Engineering as one part of the science of Agricultural Technology has a very important role as indicated by the inclusion of national development goals to continue to strive to achieve a sufficient level of food and increase agribusiness and agro-industry-based agricultural businesses. These development goals can be achieved commensurately with the support of the application of Agricultural Engineering.

To carry out the educational process in the Department of Agricultural and Biosystem Engineering, it is supported by five laboratories as development units in the field of Agricultural and Biosystem Engineering, namely: (i) Energy and Agricultural Machinery Laboratory (EMP), (ii) Land and Water Resources Engineering Laboratory (TSLA), (iii) Food and Postharvest Engineering Laboratory (TPP), (iv) Environmental Engineering and Agricultural Building Laboratory (TLBP), and (v) Biological Physics Laboratory (FH).

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In line with the Faculty of Agricultural Technology Universitas Gadjah Mada, the Department of Agricultural & Biosystems Engineering has become an international center of excellence in the implementation of the tridharma of higher education in the field of agro-industry.


Organizing higher education with international reputation in the field of agro-industry to produce graduates with superior competence, noble character and imbued with the values of Pancasila.

Organizing research and innovation in the field of agro-industry for the development of science and technology that is beneficial to society, both locally, nationally and globally.

Performing sustainable community service and empowerment based on the application of science and technology innovation and agrotechno-preneurship.

Organizing efficient, effective, accountable and professional organizational governance according to the principles of good faculty governance.

The Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering (DTPB) emphasizes the use of engineering and management in the biomass production process to meet the needs of society and maintain environmental sustainability. The main goal of Agricultural Engineering graduates is to educate students to be able to conduct individual research and create innovations and technologies to become future professional scientists in agriculture with a focus on appropriate engineering and management aspects.


Students who complete this program should be able to undertake, apply, and develop into an agricultural engineering professional. Students who have completed this program should have the following competencies:

  1. Able to identify, understand, and explain sustainable tropical industrial agricultural systems using the principles of agricultural engineering.
  2. Able to design and build, and manage natural resources, equipment, industrial processes in environmentally friendly tropical agricultural systems using the principles of agricultural engineering.
  3. Able to conduct scientific communication effectively and responsively to the application of science and technology in the field of agricultural engineering.
  4. Able to conduct experiments, as well as analyze and interpret data to improve agricultural and biosystem performance.
  5. Able to show professional and innovative work in the field of agricultural engineering in accordance with the ethical norms of community life.
  6. Able to evaluate or analyze sustainable tropical industrial agricultural systems using the principles of agricultural engineering.
  7. Able to apply competitive technology based on local raw materials and local wisdom in tropical industrial agriculture.

Department Managers

Head of Vocational Field Group (KBK)

Head of Laboratory

Human Resources


Technician of Laboratory

Agus Triyono

Teknisi Laboratorium Teknik Lingkungan & Bangunan Pertanian


Teknisi Laboratorium Energi & Mesin Pertanian


Teknisi Laboratorium Energi & Mesin Pertanian


Teknisi Laboratorium Elektronika


Teknisi Laboratorium Teknik Sumberdaya Lahan & Air

Eka Febuana Indra Widodo

Teknisi Laboratorium Gambar Teknik

Musyrifah Kurniawati, A.Md.

Teknisi Laboratorium Teknik Pangan & Pascapanen

Novita Putri Wijaya, A.Md.

Teknisi Laboratorium Fisika Hayati

Administration Staff

Dwi Lestari

Pengelola Administrasi Umum

Tri Hartini

Pengelola Administrasi Umum

Nur Hanifah, S.Ak.

Administrasi Keuangan