[January 10, 2024] The Department of Food Crops, Horticulture, Plantation, and Food Security (TPHPKP) of Magetan Regency visited the Department of Agricultural and Biosystem Engineering (DTPB), Faculty of Agricultural Technology, UGM. The TPHPKP delegation was led by Eni Kurniawati SP, M.Eng., Head of Infrastructure Division, accompanied by 9 office staff and 18 agricultural extension workers (mantri tani) from across Magetan Regency. The purpose of this visit was to share knowledge about agricultural machinery and irrigation, which falls under the responsibilities of the Infrastructure Division of TPHPKP Magetan.

In the welcome speech, the Head of the Department of Agricultural and Biosystem Engineering, Prof. Dr. Lilik Sutiarso, explained the scientific fields of Agricultural and Biosystem Engineering and shared experiences of collaborative efforts in applying agricultural engineering principles in various regencies across Indonesia. Eni Kurniawati, S.P., M.Eng. then outlined the visit’s objectives, emphasizing the importance of refreshing and updating the knowledge of both agricultural extension workers and staff from the Infrastructure Division. Both parties agreed that this knowledge-sharing event marks the beginning of future collaborations between the two institutions.

The content of this knowledge-sharing event was presented by DTPB (Department of Agricultural and Biosystem Engineering) lecturers, namely Dr. Radi, Prof. Dr. Bambang Purwantana, and Dr. Murtiningrum. During their presentations, Dr. Radi and Prof. Dr. Bambang Purwantana discussed the progress of agricultural mechanization and its urgency. Dr. Radi also outlined the success criteria for agricultural mechanization and provided examples of agricultural machinery used in the field, including the suitability of their usage.
Following this, Dr. Murtiningrum highlighted the importance of participation in the management of irrigation at the farmer’s enterprise level. She also shared DTPB’s experiences in the field of water resources and irrigation in various locations across Indonesia. The event concluded with a visit to the Energy and Agricultural Machinery Laboratory to observe various collections of agricultural machinery. While examining different agricultural machinery, there was also a lively discussion about the experiences and challenges faced by Magetan farmers regarding the use of agricultural tools and machinery.

Contributor: Murtinigrum