

Pelaksanaan Praktikum Azas Konversi dan Konservasi Energi (AKKE) & Elektronika 2009

Diberitahukan kepada mahasiswa Jurusan Teknik Pertanian yang mengambil Praktikum Azas Konversi dan Konservasi Energi dan Praktikum Elektronika bahwa pelaksanaan akan dimulai hari Senin tanggal 12 Oktober 2009. Informasi lebih lanjut terhadap dapat dilihat pada papan pengumuman Lab Energi & Mesin Pertanian atau dapat ditanyakan langsung di sekretariat Lab.

Demikian pengumuman ini dibuat, mohon perhatiannya.

Pengumuman Seleksi Co-Ass. Prak. AKKE TA 2009/2010

Berdasarkan hasil seleksi, Co-Assisten yang dinyatakan lolos sebagai berikut (lampiran bawah). Bagi yang dinyatakan lolos, mohon hadir dalam rapat koordinasi praktikum pada hari Kamis 8 Oktober 2009 Jam 13.30 di R. Diskusi Lab. EMP (Basement). Pengumuman ini sekaligus sebagai undangan.

Daftar Nama Co-Assisten

Seleksi Co-Ass AKKE

Kepada mahasiswa yang sudah mendaftarkan diri sebagai Co-Asisten Praktikum Azas Konversi dan Konservasi Energi (TPT 2102), diberitahukan bahwa seleksi akan dilaksanakan pada:

Hari /Tanggal           : Senin /5 Oktober 2009

Development of Extraction Machine for Small Scale of Aren (Arenga pinnata Merr.) Strach Industry

In Indonesia, aren starch is widely used for bakeries. In the small scale industry, aren starch is produced traditionally by conventional equipments with unhygienic process, such that the productivity is low and the quality is below the food industrial standard. In the aren starch production, the agitation and extraction stages consumed almost of processing energy. The stages are also significantly influences the quality of the starch. The objective of this research was to develop an extraction machine to improve the capacity of aren starch production. The machine is proposed tobe introduced for small scale aren processing industry. The performance of the machine was studied and the result is reported in this paper. Evaluation was conducted on aspect of applicability and capacity of the machine.

Penelitian di bidang image processing dan analysis

Penelitian di bidang Image processing dan image analysis untuk evaluasi non-destruktif fenomena fisiologi pangan dan hasil pertanian sudah banyak dikembangkan. Meski demikian masih banyak aspek yang bisa dikaji dan diteliti. Apabila mahasiswa tertarik dengan tema penelitian tersebut dapat menghubungi saya.

Selamat meneliti.


Application of Neuro-Fuzzy Controller to Autonomous Agricultural Vehicle Operating on Unstructured Changing Terrain

(Dr. Lilik Soetiarso)

The control of an autonomous agricultural vehicle operating on unstructured changing terrain includes many objective difficulties. One major difficulty concerns the characteristics of the terrain condition that the vehicle should operate in. Problems can range from the effects of varying terrain conditions on the autonomous vehicle sensors and traction performance through to the need to deal with the presence of unexpected situations.