
The vision of the Laboratory is to be the excellent laboratory in applying and developing knowledge in the field of energy and agricultural machinery. The laboratory scopes cover the principles of engineering and management, Material scopes: Energy and machinery for production and industrial of biomass

Graduates competency

Able to apply the principle of engineering and management in energy management, design, manufacture, and application of agricultural machinery in a production system and biomass industries.

Sambutan Ketua Laboratorium

Dr. Ir. Radi, M.Eng., IPU. ASEAN Eng.

Selamat datang di Laboratorium Energi dan Mesin Pertanian Departemen Teknik Pertanian & Biosistem, Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian, Universitas Gadjah Mada.

Departemen Teknik Pertanian & Biosistem berfokus pada pengimpementasian ilmu keteknikan dalam bidang pertanian dan biosistem untuk mendukung kegiatan pertanian yang berkelanjutan.

Terima kasih telah mengunjungi halaman kami. Semoga Departemen Teknik Pertanian & Biosistem memberikan kesan yang baik bagi Anda.


Agro-industrial Machinery Eng.

Power and Energy Management Design & Construction, Management of Machinery and Equipment

Energy Technology

Renewable Energy Development, Bioconversion Engineering, Biomass Conversion

Control and Automation

Measurement and Controls in Biological System, Precision & Smart Agriculture

Our Tools:

  1. Analysis tools: oven, balance
  2. Agricultural tools: moldboard plow, disk plow, rotary plow, chisel plow, harrow, sprayer
  3. Agricultural machinery: hand tractor, mini tractor, seeder, trans-planter, diesel motor
  4. Control system and optimization: sensor, microcontroller, vision system control, etc.
  5. Energy tools: Gasifier
  6. Unit design tools and agricultural machinery: (soil bin apparatus test, data acquisition test, data logger, amplifier, x-y recorder, etc.)
  7. Unit construction of tool and agricultural machinery: workshop tools, machine tools, roll plate, etc.)
  8. System information: computer and supporting software, the Internet.