
The scope of the Laboratory is development of science and technology, in perspective of engineering analysis, to control the environment in agricultural structure and environment control for crops growth to achieve the requirement of desired product.

Graduates competency

Able to understand and analyze the environment condition of structure used for agriculture product, able to design farm structure based on environment aspect for desired agricultural product.

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Sambutan Ketua Laboratorium

Ir. Andri Prima Nugroho, M.Sc., Ph.D., IPU.

Selamat datang di Teknik Lingkungan dan Bangunan Pertanian Departemen Teknik Pertanian & Biosistem, Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian, Universitas Gadjah Mada.

Departemen Teknik Pertanian & Biosistem berfokus pada pengimpementasian ilmu keteknikan dalam bidang pertanian dan biosistem untuk mendukung kegiatan pertanian yang berkelanjutan.

Terima kasih telah mengunjungi halaman kami. Semoga Departemen Teknik Pertanian & Biosistem memberikan kesan yang baik bagi Anda.


Environmental Science

Environmental Engineering

Physical Properties of Agricultural Product

Farm Structure Environmental Engineering

Our Tools

  1. Plant Growth Cabinet Chamber
  2. Midget Impinger and Pump.
  3. Analysis tools: Digital Lux Meter, Electric Conductivity and pH-meter, High Volume Air Sampler, Hot Wire Anemometer, Humidity Meter, Laboratory Water Analyzer, Oven, Oxygen Meter.
  4. Automatic Weather System (AWS)
  5. Smart Greenhouse Technology