
The scope of the Laboratory is principles of engineering science and management in the physical properties of plants and animals in response to physical stimulus (heat, force, sound, light, and electricity); the phenomenon of energy transfers, water, gas, and nutrients through physiological activity of plants and animals; and non-destructive analysis of agricultural product.

Graduates competency

Able to apply the principle of engineering in the agricultural biophysics and non-destructive analysis of agricultural product quality.

Sambutan Kepala Laboratorium

Dr. Ir. Murtiningrum, M.Eng., IPU.

Selamat datang di  Laboratorium Fisika Hayati Departemen Teknik Pertanian & Biosistem, Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian, Universitas Gadjah Mada.

Departemen Teknik Pertanian & Biosistem berfokus pada pengimpementasian ilmu keteknikan dalam bidang pertanian dan biosistem untuk mendukung kegiatan pertanian yang berkelanjutan.

Terima kasih telah mengunjungi halaman kami. Semoga Departemen Teknik Pertanian & Biosistem memberikan kesan yang baik bagi Anda.


Environmental Biophysics

Non-destructive evaluation of agri-product

Plant Biophysics

Animal Biophysics

Our Tools:

  1. Analysis tools: analytical balance, thermometer, measuring glass, electronic balance, stove, oven, roll meter, digital caliper, microscope
  2. Environmental tools: lux meter, anemometer, thermo-hygrometer, CO2 meter, digital salt meter, infrared thermometer, leaf area meter, uv-light meter
  3. Non-destructive tools: color-meter, fruit hardness tester, refractometer