

pengalaman kerja

organisasi yg diikuti  :

1. MKTI ( Masyarakat Konservasi  Tanah Indonesia )

2. PERTETA ( Persatuan Teknik Indonesia )


Hari Senin tanggal 14 September 2009 ini merupakan hari yang berbahagia. Hal tersebut disebabkan karena adanya banjir THR yang berasal dari Fakultas, Jurusan, dan Laboratorium.. Mudah-mudahan THR tersebut dapat memenuhi kebutuhan saya untuk merayakan datangnya Hari Raya Iedul Fitri 1430 H.. Maklum saja, harga-harga barang kebutuhan membubung tinggi dengan datangnya hari raya ini.. SEMOGA...


Alhamdulillah tahun 2009 aku dah pensiun dengan selamat, mohon doa restu semoga Allah melimpahkan keimanan, kesehatan dan kekuatan, amien.

Pelatihan TIK

Hi, friends, this just try to respon about the Pelatihan TIK. 

Congratulation to Mas Andry who has prepared the material of the training beautifully. 

Pengalaman pelatihan TI

Pelatihan TIK yang diselenggarakan tanggal 14 September 2009 sangat menarik, tapi terkadang masih pencet sana-sini. Tapi dengan usaha & doa bisa ngikuti, mudah-mudahan tak ketinggalan kereta TIK yang katanya berjalan mengikuti secara kuadratik tersebut

Pelatihan IT (PLO dan Website)

Sedang mengikuti pelatihan IT (PLO dan Website) yang diselenggarakan oleh jurusan Teknik Pertanian...

YAng akan dilanjutkan dengan acara buka bersama... :D


Application of Neuro-Fuzzy Controller to Autonomous Agricultural Vehicle Operating on Unstructured Changing Terrain

The control of an autonomous agricultural vehicle operating on unstructured changing terrain includes many objective difficulties. One major difficulty concerns the characteristics of the terrain condition that the vehicle should operate in. Problems can range from the effects of varying terrain conditions on the autonomous vehicle sensors and traction performance through to the need to deal with the presence of unexpected situations.

Field Visitation of Renewable Energy Practices

 Praktikum renewable energy this year for the first time held in the form of field visits, the location of the semester this field visit will be held in two places that will be described further below. Field visits will be held on:

Visitation of Praktikum Machine Processing of Agricultural Products

 Praktikum Agricultural Product Processing Machines such as the usual industry visits to complete the understanding of the science students who have obtained from lectures and praktikum in the laboratory. 

Praktikum will be held on: 

Day: Monday, June 8 200 

time: 08:00 - finish 

Place: PG Madubaru aka Madukismo 

For students taking matakuliah MPPP must follow this event, there will be a final report that will dibertahukan more. 

Online Report of Renewable energy practices 2009

Praktikum renewable energy have been carried out on Thursday, June 11, 2009. More can disimak more in this column beritaportal news. 

In connection with the reports praktikum, praktikum time this report will be made with a slightly different method that is online, using the facilities of the invitation in facebook and reports results in writing in the comment form below. Made the initial idea was that the online trend of more students like to use digital media, like for example the use facebook more than reading journals: p.