Pelatihan IT (PLO dan Website)

Sedang mengikuti pelatihan IT (PLO dan Website) yang diselenggarakan oleh jurusan Teknik Pertanian...

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Application of Neuro-Fuzzy Controller to Autonomous Agricultural Vehicle Operating on Unstructured Changing Terrain

(Dr. Lilik Soetiarso)

The control of an autonomous agricultural vehicle operating on unstructured changing terrain includes many objective difficulties. One major difficulty concerns the characteristics of the terrain condition that the vehicle should operate in. Problems can range from the effects of varying terrain conditions on the autonomous vehicle sensors and traction performance through to the need to deal with the presence of unexpected situations.

Selamat Datang Mahasiswa Baru Teknik Pertanian 2009

Yogyakarta.Tahun ini jurusan Teknik Pertanian menerima mahasiswa baru tahun angkatan  2009 sejumlah 92 mahasiswa dari berbagai asal sekolah menengah dari seluruh indonesia. Prosesi penyambutan Mahasiswa baru sudah selesai dilakanakan pada minggu ketiga bulan Agustus, tepatnya mulai tanggal 18 s.d. 21 Agustus 2009.

Application of Neuro-Fuzzy Controller to Autonomous Agricultural Vehicle Operating on Unstructured Changing Terrain

The control of an autonomous agricultural vehicle operating on unstructured changing terrain includes many objective difficulties. One major difficulty concerns the characteristics of the terrain condition that the vehicle should operate in. Problems can range from the effects of varying terrain conditions on the autonomous vehicle sensors and traction performance through to the need to deal with the presence of unexpected situations.

Application of Neuro-Fuzzy Controller to Autonomous Agricultural Vehicle Operating on Unstructured Changing Terrain

The control of an autonomous agricultural vehicle operating on unstructured changing terrain includes many objective difficulties. One major difficulty concerns the characteristics of the terrain condition that the vehicle should operate in. Problems can range from the effects of varying terrain conditions on the autonomous vehicle sensors and traction performance through to the need to deal with the presence of unexpected situations.

Unit Pengujian Alat dan Mesin Pertanian JTEP Menguji Alsin Penggiling dan Pencacah Daging di UD. Rekaysa Wangdi W.

Yogyakarta. Unit Pengujian Alat dan Mesin Pertanian Jurusan Teknik Pertanian UGM yang diketuai oleh Dr. Joko Nugroho WK mendapat kepercayaan dari UD. Rekayasa Wangdi W. untuk menguji salah satu produk Alat dan Mesin Penggiling dan pencacah daging. Pengujian dilalakukan pada Hari Sabtu, 15 Agustus 2009 berlokasi di tempat produksi di Desa Cambahan, Kecamatan Gamping, Kabupaten Sleman. 

Field Visitation of Renewable Energy Practices

 Praktikum renewable energy this year for the first time held in the form of field visits, the location of the semester this field visit will be held in two places that will be described further below. Field visits will be held on: