Study on Trajectory Control for Autonomous Agricultural Vehicle Aiming Approach to the Target Object
A control method for autonomous vehicles was developed to steer the vehicle to a given goal point.
A control method for autonomous vehicles was developed to steer the vehicle to a given goal point.
Pimpinan dan Segenap Keluarga Besar Jurusan Teknik Pertanian, Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian Universitas Gadjah Mada Mengucapkan Selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri 1430 H, Mohon Maaf Lahir dan Batin.
Yogyakarta. Senin 14 September 2009. Jurusan Teknik Pertanian mengadakan pelatihan untuk Dosen dengan materi PLO (Paperless Office) dan Portal Website Teknik Pertanian. Pelatihan yang di mulai dari pukul 13:00 sampai denga buka puasa ini mampu mendatangkan hampir seluruh dosen Teknik Pertanian. Acara ini juga merupakan bukti kepedulian jurusan terhadap kebutuhan peningkatan skill dan perlunya penguasaan Teknologi Informasi.
In Indonesia, aren starch is widely used for bakeries. In the small scale industry, aren starch is produced traditionally by conventional equipments with unhygienic process, such that the productivity is low and the quality is below the food industrial standard. In the aren starch production, the agitation and extraction stages consumed almost of processing energy. The stages are also significantly influences the quality of the starch. The objective of this research was to develop an extraction machine to improve the capacity of aren starch production. The machine is proposed tobe introduced for small scale aren processing industry. The performance of the machine was studied and the result is reported in this paper. Evaluation was conducted on aspect of applicability and capacity of the machine.
Baturono Village is one of the villages in the Salam Sub-District of the Magelang District with a majority population of livelihood as farmers. With the favorable natural conditions for agriculture, the farming in this village can support the local economy.
Buat Mahasiswa TEP yang mengambil Praktikum AKKE & Elektronika mohon segera mendaftar di Lab. EMP. Praktikum akan dimulai tanggal 12 Oktober 2009. Terimakasih
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