[:id]Dosen DTPB Mengajar pada Kuliah Tamu di Universiti Putra Malaysia bertema “Capacity Building of Household-Scale Food Industry Towards Green Economy”[:en]DTPB Faculty Members Deliver Guest Lecture at Universiti Putra Malaysia on the Theme ‘Capacity Building of Household-Scale Food Industry Towards Green Economy'[:]


Pada tanggal 25 Mei 2023, Dosen Departemen Teknik Pertanian dan Biosistem (DTPB) FTP UGM, Dr. Ngadisih mengajar pada kuliah tamu di Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) secara online pada mata kuliah Fabricated Food Technology (EPF4702). Kuliah tamu diikuti oleh 22 orang peserta baik dosen maupun mahasiswa Fakulti Kejuruteraan UPM. Bahan kuliah yang disampaikan adalah hasil pengabdian kepada masyarakat di Desa Selopamioro Bantul yang dilakukan oleh dosen dan mahasiswa DTPB FTP UGM.

Tangkapan layar kuliah tamu

Usaha mikro kecil (UKM) pangan di Selopamioro dikembangkan oleh DTPB bersama dengan pemerintah desa dan Dinas Pangan dan Pertanian Bantul mulai tahun 2015 hingga saat ini. Pendampingan sebagai bentuk peningkatan kapasitas UKM atau industri pangan skala rumah tangga baik berupa diversifikasi produk pertanian, perbaikan proses pengolahan, mekanisasi pengolahan, peningkatan kualitas dan kemasan, serta perluasan jaringan pasar. Luaran dari pendampingan adalah peningkatan daya saing UKM pangan Selopamioro utamanya persaingan dengan makanan dari industry skala besar yang dihasilkan/diproses dengan teknologi tinggi. Mahasiswa Magister Universiti Putra Malaysia belajar tentang pemberdayaan masyarakat oleh dosen dan mahasiswa DTPB di Selopamioro sebagai bahan pemberlajaran berbasus kasus pada mata kuliah fabricated food technology. Keikutsertaan Dr. Ngadisih dalam kuliah online di UPM sebagai bagian dalam SDGs poin 4 (Quality Education), diseminasi hasil pengabdian kepada masyarakat kepada masyarakat luar negeri.

Poster Kegiatan

Kontributor: Ngadisih


On May 25, 2023, Dr. Ngadisih, a faculty member from the Department of Agricultural Engineering and Biosystems (DTPB) at FTP UGM, conducted an online guest lecture at Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) for the course Fabricated Food Technology (EPF4702). The guest lecture was attended by 22 participants, including both faculty members and students from the Faculty of Engineering at UPM. The lecture covered the results of community service activities carried out by faculty members and students from DTPB FTP UGM in Selopamioro Village, Bantul.

Screenshot of the Guest Lecture

Micro and small-scale food businesses (UKM) in Selopamioro have been developed by DTPB in collaboration with the village government and the Department of Food and Agriculture of Bantul since 2015 to the present day. This assistance takes the form of capacity building for UKMs or household-scale food industries, including diversification of agricultural products, process improvement, mechanization of processing, quality and packaging enhancement, and market expansion. The outcome of this assistance is the improved competitiveness of Selopamioro’s food UKMs, especially in competition with food from large-scale industries produced/processed with advanced technology. Master’s students from Universiti Putra Malaysia learn about community empowerment by DTPB faculty and students in Selopamioro as a case-based learning material in the fabricated food technology course. Dr. Ngadisih’s participation in the online lecture at UPM is part of SDG point 4 (Quality Education), which involves disseminating the results of community service to international audiences.



Contributor: Ngadisih


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