This symposium is arranged to bring researcher and experts together to share ideas how to improve the role of agricultural and biosystem engineering toward food & energy self-sufficiency and sustainable agriculture. Invited speakers and papers will underline topics related to engineering and technology of food, energy, land and water, as well as the environment.
The symposium is organized by the Indonesian Society of Agricultural Engineering (ISAE) or Perhimpunan Teknik Pertanian Indonesia (PERTETA) and the Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM). The organizers of this symposium are looking forward to welcome you to Yogyakarta for this important meeting.
Improving the role of agricultural and biosystem engineering toward food & energy self-sufficiency and sustainable agriculture
- Postharvest and food engineering: agricultural and food process engineering, postharvest engineering, physical and engineering properties, modeling and simulation
- Energy and agricultural machinery : bioconversion engineering, renewable energy development, rural electricity and energy sources, life-cycle assessment, energy audit, precision agriculture, sensor and control
- Land and water resources engineering: land management, irrigation engineering and management, soil properties engineering, watershed management, water and soil conservation engineering
- Agricultural structures and environmental engineering: microclimate engineering, environment control design, construction and analysis of agricultural structures
- Biophysics engineering: quality evaluation of food and agricultural products , physical chemistry of agricultural materials, physical properties of the soil-plant-atmosphere system, modelling of the water and energy exchange
- Other agricultural and biosystem engineering topics
Important dates:
- January 21, 2013: opening of the pre-registration
- May 1, 2013 : deadline for extended-abstracts submission
- May 30, 2013 : notification to authors
- August 1, 2013 : deadline for full registration
Guidelines for abstract submission
- Please prepare your abstract in English using the provided template (see Extended Abstract Template), in one (1) page maximum of A4 paper, Times New Roman 10, single space, margin 2.5.
- Abstracts will be reproduced in the book of abstracts. Full papers will be compiled in a separate proceeding
For more information, please contact:
official home page : www.isabe2013.ugm.ac.id
Rudiati Evi Masithoh (Mrs) +62-85743596391
Arifin Dwi Saputro (Mr) +62-81229438000
Fax: +62-274-563542; +62-274-589797
E-mail: 2013.isabe@gmail.com
This symposium is arranged to bring researcher and experts together to share ideas how to improve the role of agricultural and biosystem engineering toward food & energy self-sufficiency and sustainable agriculture. Invited speakers and papers will underline topics related to engineering and technology of food, energy, land and water, as well as the environment.
The symposium is organized by the Indonesian Society of Agricultural Engineering (ISAE) or Perhimpunan Teknik Pertanian Indonesia (PERTETA) and the Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM). The organizers of this symposium are looking forward to welcome you to Yogyakarta for this important meeting.
Improving the role of agricultural and biosystem engineering toward food & energy self-sufficiency and sustainable agriculture
- Postharvest and food engineering: agricultural and food process engineering, postharvest engineering, physical and engineering properties, modeling and simulation
- Energy and agricultural machinery : bioconversion engineering, renewable energy development, rural electricity and energy sources, life-cycle assessment, energy audit, precision agriculture, sensor and control
- Land and water resources engineering: land management, irrigation engineering and management, soil properties engineering, watershed management, water and soil conservation engineering
- Agricultural structures and environmental engineering: microclimate engineering, environment control design, construction and analysis of agricultural structures
- Biophysics engineering: quality evaluation of food and agricultural products , physical chemistry of agricultural materials, physical properties of the soil-plant-atmosphere system, modelling of the water and energy exchange
- Other agricultural and biosystem engineering topics
Important dates:
- January 21, 2013: opening of the pre-registration
- May 1, 2013 : deadline for extended-abstracts submission
- May 30, 2013 : notification to authors
- August 1, 2013 : deadline for full registration
Guidelines for abstract submission
Please prepare your abstract in English using the provided template (see 2nd page of this flyer), in one (1) page maximum of A4 paper, Times New Roman 10, single space, margin 2.5
Abstracts will be reproduced in the book of abstracts. Full papers will be compiled in a separate proceeding.
Please send your abstract to: 2013.isabe@gmail.com
For more information, please contact:
official home page : www.isabe2013.ugm.ac.id
Rudiati Evi Masithoh (Mrs) +62-85743596391
Arifin Dwi Saputro (Mr) +62-81229438000
Fax: +62-274-563542; +62-274-589797
E-mail: 2013.isabe@gmail.com