[:id]Kunjungan Kerjasama YESSA dan DTPB FTP UGM di Desa Sambak[:en]Collaborative Visit of YESSA and DTPB FTP UGM in Sambak Village[:]

[:id]Yogyakarta, 28 Agustus 2023. Departemen Teknik Pertanian dan Biosistem, Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian, Universitas Gadjah Mada menerima kunjungan dari Senior Officer dan Executive Secretary Yanmar Enviromental Sustainability Support Association (YESSA) yaitu Yukino Hiroyasu dan Kamikubo Keita. Kunjungan tersebut bertujuan untuk membahas kerjasama terkait Pemberdayaan Desa Sambak menuju Zero Waste-based Agrotourism dan Community Self-relient. Kerjasama ditandai dengan penandatanganan Nota Kesepahaman (MoU) Kerja sama tahun kedua oleh Dekan Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian UGM Prof. Dr. Eni Harmayani dengan Senior Officer YESSA Yukino Hiroyasu. Pada Kegiatan ini turut dihadiri oleh Kepala Dinas Lingkungan Hidup Kabupaten Magelang, serta Kepala Desa Sambak, Kajoran, Magelang.

Tanda tangan MoU Kerjasama Pemberdayaan Desa Sambak antara FTP UGM dan YESSA

Program YESSA dan TPB FTP UGM yang dilaksanakan di Desa Sambak mengusung tema “Zero Waste-Based Agrotourism for Bio Circular Green Economy of Sambak Village, Magelang, Central Java”. Tahun kedua ini kegiatan difokuskan pada pembangunan insfraktur dan peralatan pendukung kegiatan. Kerjasama antara YESSA dan TPB FTP UGM di Sambak, Kajoran, Magelang ini direncanakan berjalan selama empat tahun. Adanya kegiatan ini diharapkan dapat membawa dampak yang baik dan memberikan manfaat bagi masyarakat dan lingkungan setempat.

Kontributor : Teguh Triyana[:en]Yogyakarta, August 28, 2023. The Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering, Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Universitas Gadjah Mada, received a visit from Senior Officer and Executive Secretary of Yanmar Environmental Sustainability Support Association (YESSA), Yukino Hiroyasu, and Kamikubo Keita. The purpose of this visit was to discuss collaboration related to the Empowerment of Sambak Village towards Zero Waste-based Agrotourism and Community Self-Reliance. The collaboration was marked by the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for the second year of cooperation between the Dean of the Faculty of Agricultural Technology at UGM, Prof. Dr. Eni Harmayani, and Senior Officer YESSA, Yukino Hiroyasu. This event was also attended by the Head of the Environmental Agency of Magelang Regency and the Head of Sambak Village, Kajoran, Magelang.

The Signing of the MoU for the Empowerment of Sambak Village Collaboration between FTP UGM and YESSA

The YESSA and TPB FTP UGM program implemented in Sambak Village carries the theme “Zero Waste-Based Agrotourism for Bio Circular Green Economy of Sambak Village, Magelang, Central Java.” In the second year, the focus of the activities is on infrastructure development and the provision of supporting equipment. The collaboration between YESSA and TPB FTP UGM in Sambak, Kajoran, Magelang is planned to run for four years. The aim of these activities is to bring about positive impacts and provide benefits to the local community and the environment.

Contributor : Teguh Triyana[:]

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