[:id]Dosen Departemen Teknik Pertanian dan Biosistem Kunjungi Kedutaan Besar Indonesia di Korea Selatan[:en]Faculty Members of the Department of Agricultural Engineering and Biosystems Visit the Indonesian Embassy in South Korea[:]

[:id]Pada hari Sabtu 24 Juni 2023, Dosen Departemen Teknik Pertanian dan Biosistem (DTPB) berpartisipasi dalam kunjungan dosen Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian (FTP) UGM ke Kedutaan Besar Indonesia di Korea Selatan. Dosen DTPB yang mengikuti kunjungan ini adalah Ketua Departemen Prof. Dr. Lilik Sutiarso, Prof. Dr. Sigit Supadmo, Dr. Murtiningrum, Dr. Muhamad Khoiru Zaki, Dr. Sri Markumningsih, dan Dr. Sri Rahayoe. Rombongan dosen FTP yang dipimpin Dekan Prof. Dr. Eni Harmayani diterima oleh Atas Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Bapak Gogot Suharwanto serta Atase Perdagangan Bapak Eko Prilianto Sudrajat.

Diskusi dosen FTP dengan Atase Pendidikan dan Atase Perdagangan KBRI Korea Selatan

Kepada Atase Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan dilaporkan bahwa kedatangan rombongan dari FTP UGM adalah untuk mengikusi Symposium on Green Bio Science and Technology 2023 sebagai joint meeting antara Graduate School of International Agricultural Technology (GSIAT), Seoul National University dengan FTP UGM. Diharapkan setelah simposium akan dilanjutkan dengan kerjasama dengan GSIAT dalam bentuk pendidikan pascasarjana pertukaran pelajar maupun riset bersama.

Diskusi dengan Atase Perdagangan membahas persyaratan masuk bagi produk pertanian Indonesia ke Korea Selatan. Sebagaimana dikeluhkan sebagian pengusaha Indonesia yang akan mengekspor produk segar Indonesia ke Korea Selatan, terdapat beberapa kendala terkait proses produksi maupun pengujian produk yang kurang sesuai dengan standar Korea Selatan. Untuk menghadapi kendala ini diharapkan peran universitas untuk mendampingi pengusaha Indonesia agar dapat memenuhi standar yang ditetapkan Korea Selatan.

Foto Bersama di KBRI

 [:en]On Saturday, June 24, 2023, faculty members of the Department of Agricultural Engineering and Biosystems (DTPB) participated in a visit to the Indonesian Embassy in South Korea along with faculty members from the Faculty of Agricultural Technology (FTP) at UGM. The DTPB faculty members who took part in this visit included the Department Chair, Prof. Dr. Lilik Sutiarso, Prof. Dr. Sigit Supadmo, Dr. Murtiningrum, Dr. Muhamad Khoiru Zaki, Dr. Sri Markumningsih, and Dr. Sri Rahayoe. The FTP delegation, led by Dean Prof. Dr. Eni Harmayani, was received by Mr. Gogot Suharwanto, who is responsible for Education and Culture, as well as Mr. Eko Prilianto Sudrajat, who handles Trade Affairs.

Discussion between Faculty Members of the Faculty of Agricultural Technology and the Education Attaché and Trade Attaché of the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in South Korea

To the Education and Culture Attaché, it is reported that the arrival of the delegation from FTP UGM is for the purpose of participating in the Symposium on Green Bio Science and Technology 2023 as a joint meeting between the Graduate School of International Agricultural Technology (GSIAT) at Seoul National University and FTP UGM. It is expected that after the symposium, collaboration with GSIAT will continue in the form of postgraduate education, student exchange, and joint research.

Discussion with the Trade Attaché focused on the entry requirements for Indonesian agricultural products into South Korea. As expressed by some Indonesian business owners intending to export fresh Indonesian products to South Korea, there are several challenges related to the production process and product testing that do not align with South Korean standards. To address these challenges, it is expected that universities will play a role in assisting Indonesian entrepreneurs in meeting the standards set by South Korea.

Group Photo at the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia (KBRI)


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